12 reasons your event isn't selling

I did a poll recently about buying habits for events and 100% of people said they now wait and buy tickets for events last minute. Lots of eventgoers said they have so many other things in their diary and are more conscious about spending which means if you are organising an event it can be very disheartening and no one seems to want to buy! Keep reading to find out places you can promote your event for free and increase your chance of ticket sales

We all have busy lives and I’ve been told it takes it on average 20 times for a person to see an event now before actually buying.

In my experience helping people to set up online and in person events over the last five years there are several reasons why your tickets may not be selling and bear with me some of these some of these are technical reasons and some are psychological.


1. Highlight Benefits

You haven't highlighted clearly enough what the benefits are for people to actually attend your event

2. Not easy to book

It isn't easy for people to buy a ticket for your event. Have you thought about using a platform like Eventbrite or Ticket tailor or Thrive cart?

3. Time to Promote

You haven't left enough time to promote your event in marketing terms I was always told you would need at least six weeks

4. Sales Landing Page Readability

Your sales landing page isn't clear enough. People are finding it hard to read so they're landing but then jumping off it

5. Promotion across your social media channels

You haven't promoted the event enough over your social media channels. Have you created an event on Facebook/LinkedIn/Google Business Profile

6. Warm up your audience

You don't have a warm enough audience to promote your event to. Have you built your email list or your followers that your ideal clients hang out on? Instagram/ LinkedIn /TikTok etc.

7. Being Visible

You’ve launched your event but then ran away and didn’t want to talk about it or promote in any way.

8. Engaging with those who have shown interest

You haven’t engaged enough with people who have said they are interested ( Have you D’M or private messaged for example the people who clicked yes ‘Im attending’ on your Facebook/LinkedIn event. Even if you think you’re hassling them, you are not!

9. Sharing through your speakers

If your event has guest speakers. Have you asked them to share or given them easy ways to share? Refer to my blog on 9 ways to get your guest speakers to promote your event for you!

10. Choosing a good venue

Make sure you choose a venue that is a) easy to get to b) is responsive to your needs c) is accessible and functional and if it can help you promote the event through your own social media channels or sell tickets for you that’s an added bonus!

11.  Vision

You don’t have a clear enough vision of why you are holding your event in the first place.

Every event should have a purpose and always with the ideal outcome of getting you known, showcasing your expertise and building your credibility but what is the real purpose? Is it to upsell your ideal clients to a programme? promote your online course?

12. Belief

You don't believe enough in the product that you're selling to actually promote it.

The important thing is not to panic and not to give up! Keep promoting, promoting, promoting! We all need countless reminders now via email/social media to actually commit and make that purchase!

I’m running a half day intensive workshop on 25/07/24 at the Haslem hotel in Lisburn to help savvy solopreneurs get your ideal client into a room (virtually or in person) where you can share your knowledge and expertise.

Getting heard above the noise in this busy world means that your online course/programme launch needs regular promotion. You need to showcase your CREDIBILITY and be VISIBLE to GROW your audience.

I've been supporting business owners since 2019 run online and in person events and craft online courses to diversify their revenue and showcase their expertise.

And I'm here to support you if this seems too far/way beyond your comfort zone! and you can read more and sign up here .


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9 ways to promote your event through your own guest speakers