Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

12 reasons your event isn't selling

We all have busy lives and I’ve been told it takes it on average 20 times for a person to see an event now before actually buying.

In my experience helping people to set up online and in person events over the last five years there are several reasons why your tickets may not be selling and bear with me some of these some of these are technical reasons and some are psychological.

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Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

9 ways to promote your event through your own guest speakers

Are you organising an event with multiple speakers and looking to get it to as wide an audience as possible? Have you thought about the different ways you could get your speakers to promote it for you? Read this blog to discover 9 free ways to do that

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Event Planning Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions Event Planning Alison Matthews VirtuAli Admin Solutions

11 ways to promote your upcoming course for free

I have been very busy over the last few months helping clients who have taken the step to deliver courses online. As anyone who has delivered a course (face to face or online) knows planning, promoting and delivering a course is a whole project in itself and there is a lot of admin, planning and marketing behind the scenes. I have recently supported creative clients from varied industries such as dog training/coaching/professional organiser once they are past the stage of outlining their core content :

Written descriptions and set up as events on Facebook and Eventbrite

Given advice on course planning steps and promotion

Set up automated on-boarding email sequences so clients once they purchase the course are guided as to how to complete

Set up a booking scheduler so that prospective clients can contact the course provider easily if they have more questions before they purchase the course

Given advice on how to make your course launch visible across social media platforms.

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